Google Webmaster Central Blog最近發表了一篇Adding Images to your Sitemaps,這不禁讓我聯想到,下一步Google Caffeine引擎正式上線後,將會把網頁預覽的功能設為預設值。目前來說,FireFox跟Chrome必須要安裝SearchPreview這個插件,才能夠有搜尋結果即時預覽的功能。否則就是要手動點擊「顯示選項」,然後選擇『圖文並茂』或是『網頁預覽』,才會有同樣的結果。所以Google官方這樣的宣導,其實也不難想像Caffeine未來的呈現模式或是圖片搜尋的功能加強。
With image search, just as with web search, Google's goal is to provide the best and most relevant search results to our users. Following Google's Webmaster Guidelines and best practices for publishing images can increase the likelihood that your images will be returned in those search results. In addition, you can also use Sitemaps to give Google additional information about the images on your site's URLs.
With image search, just as with web search, Google's goal is to provide the best and most relevant search results to our users. Following Google's Webmaster Guidelines and best practices for publishing images can increase the likelihood that your images will be returned in those search results. In addition, you can also use Sitemaps to give Google additional information about the images on your site's URLs.